Richmond Tennis Association
Mailing: P.O. Box 17612, Richmond, VA 23226
Phone: (804) 357-3793
JP LaFors, President | Maria Sorkin, Managing Director
ORANGE & GREEN DOT TEAMS may begin registering today by emailing the league coordinator Lila LaCroix at
INDIVIDUAL ORANGE & GREEN DOT PLAYERS may request placement on a team here: here.
FEBRUARY 11th – Orange & Green Ball Team registration opens
MARCH 22nd – Orange & Green Dot Teams must have a MINIMUM OF 4 PLAYERS (any combination of boys/girls)
APRIL 4TH – Orange & Green Dot Team Schedules issued
APRIL 12th– Orange & Green Ball Matches begin
AGE CUTOFFS – Your player should still be 10 on May 30, 2025, to play 10U. Red Ball age cutoff is flexible at the discretion of the League Coordinator.
QUESTIONS? Lila LaCroix, email or text 804-334-6160
Tennis should always be FUN! Because JTT offers so many levels of team tennis, you can select a Division that will challenge your child, while allowing them to succeed. JTT offers Beginner through Advanced levels which play using Red Ball, Orange Ball, and finally the Green Dot ball.
By matching a child’s age with the right size court, match format, and ball; JTT makes tennis fun for kids as young as 5! In 8U JTT, kids are allowed to focus on their rallying and movement because of the age-appropriate match format. (The 8U serve is a self-feeding forehand.) Kids from the age of 5, learn to love the game of tennis! As the kids get more tennis experience, JTT offer doubles competition and lastly a Green Dot league for advanced players.
Richmond offers many leagues for young players including 8U Red Ball, 10U Beginner Orange Ball, 10U Intermediate Orange Ball, and 10U Green Dot Ball.
Individual JTT Player Placement
Do you need placement on an 8U and/or 10U JTT Team?
Register for Your JTT Team
(you should already have a Team Number from your organization)
Junior Membership
All junior membership is free now, not just 10& under.
For questions, contact Lila LaCroix at:
USTA’s American Development Model
USTA Parent Support Guide (PDF) page 12 onwards is helpful
USTA Tournament & JTT Youth Progression Rating Information