2025 Hall of Fame Nominations

The Richmond Tennis Hall of Fame has honored those who have made significant contributions to the Richmond tennis community. Nominations for the Class of 2025 can be submitted through the form below. In general, each inducted Class will have a maximum of five inductees in addition to possible posthumous inductees. The Hall of Fame Committee has planned for a Class to be inducted every other year but this may change depending on extenuating circumstances.

Information About You:

Your Name:
Your Address:

Information About Your Nominee:

Nominee Name:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

For Living Nominees:

Current Nominee Address:

Submit Information & Materials For Your Nominee:

Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 128 MB.
Please check this box if you request the Hall of Fame Selection Committee to return any physical materials you mail in. The Hall of Fame Committee may return any requested materials before or after the decision is made on their candidacy.

Mail in any materials with your name, your nominees name, and your mailing address if you want the materials returned after being considered by the Hall of Fame Selection Committee. Please mail to:

Richmond Tennis Association
Hall of Fame Selection Committee
P.O. Box 17612
Richmond, VA 23226

Please note that the Hall of Fame Selection Committee does not have limitless ability nor resources to research the legacies of all nominees. The information submitted is critical for the effective evaluation of each nominee. Nominations with little or sparse information will not be considered. Please refer to the eligibility criteria and consideration order that the Selection Committee will use to evaluate each nominee. The number or frequency of nominations for any nominee does not improve their chances for being selected. If your nominee is selected, the Hall of Fame Committee will notify the nominee while communicating to you as the nominator only after the nominee has been officially and publicly announced as an inductee.

If you have any questions for the Hall of Fame Committee please email HallofFame@richmondtennis.org.